Our Top 10 Hospitality Blogs From the Year 2021

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The year 2021 was all about revival for the hotel industry. While many properties managed to get back on their feet, some are still in recovery mode.

But again, things aren’t bleak; the hotel industry is coping extremely well to stay grounded.

So, what plans for the year 2022?

Incorporate all the strategies and boost your sales? Or keep things calm and move steadily?

Whatever may be the case, we at eZee would like to lend a helping hand and be a part of your hospitality journey. Be it by offering the best-in-class solution or with our informative blogs.

In the year we have curated some amazing pieces of content around some prominent topics from the industry. If you have missed out by any chance, worry not. Here’s a list of the top 10 blogs from 2021.

Do give them a read.

1. Hotel SWOT Analysis: Effective Way of Evaluating Your Business

Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. Yes, it goes in that order.

SWOT analysis has gained tremendous momentum in the hotel industry. And why not?

After all, running a successful hotel is no easy feat by any means. It requires a whole lot of information on various parameters.  And SWOT analysis helps with just that.

However, not all hotels know how to carry this out the right way. But worry no more! We at eZee are always there for hospitality businesses.

So, to help you with all the nuts and bolts of SWOT analysis, we have a detailed blog in our repository.

Try all the mentioned points and see how it is going to up your hotel’s performance in 2022.

2. How to Curate a Perfect Hotel Welcome Letter?

The first impression might not be the last impression, but it CERTAINLY counts in the hotel industry.

But how to make that right first impression? How to make your guests go ‘aww’?

Well, a welcome note can do that job for you. A compelling and personal hotel welcome letter makes a great impact on your guests as it sets a tone for their entire stay at the very moment they check-in.

But again, writing such a captivating letter could be a tricky task.

We got your back!

Like I said in the beginning, we at eZee have covered almost every topic for the hoteliers. And we have this one too.

The blog explains the A-Z of writing a perfect welcome note for your guests. And we are sure when you write one after reading this blog, your guests are going to smile and keep your business thriving. 

3. These 11 Hotel Reports SHOULD Be On Your Watch list

Reports hold a supreme position in the hotel business. The reason behind this is that hoteliers need to know where they are lacking or where the loopholes are. And that’s exactly what reports help with!

It allows hotel owners to keep a constant track of how the hotel is performing and guide them in making the most informed decisions.

But there are gazillion reports available, which can easily overwhelm anyone. So, how do you know which reports are important?

This blog helps you with just that. We have curated a list of all the imperative hotel reports that can’t be overlooked. Do check it out.

4. A Step-by-Step Guide to Start a Backpackers Hostel

Lately, backpacking has gained a lot of popularity and is presenting a huge opportunity for hostels or accommodation enthusiasts.

However, it’s not an easy feat to start and run a backpackers’ hostel, especially when you’re new to the domain.

But it’s not impossible. If you do your part of the research, create a plan, and work strategically, you can definitely pull this off.

Here’s an article that explains the sorcery of running a backpackers’ hostel. The points mentioned are, hands down, legitimate. So, make sure you go through each of them.

P.S. – If you already own a hostel and want to cater to backpackers, you can take a cue as well.

5. Guide to Start and Run a Capsule Hotel Successfully

If you haven’t heard about capsule hotels, it is a hotel that features many small bed-sized rooms known as capsules, or in some cases just one bed in a tube. 

It was first started in Japan, but lately, it has gained popularity worldwide.

Further, people nowadays are travelling keeping their expenses low and this is where capsule hotels come into the picture. As these hotels are comparatively cheaper.

If you are thinking about opening a capsule hotel, this one’s for you.

6. OTA vs Hotel Direct Booking: Who is Winning the Battle?

OTA vs direct booking is a never-ending battle. While many say OTAs hold the upper hand, some bet on direct bookings.

But to be honest, there’s no specific answer to which is better. OTAs and direct reservations have their own set of pros and cons.

Then what should a hotelier do? Well, the best you can do is compare and see what is more profitable for your hotel.

We have tried to put both of these channels in the arena and put down our insights to help you make informed decisions.

Read this blog to learn how everything about the OTA vs direct booking conflict and how to strike the right balance.

7. Learn How to Optimise Google My Business for Hotels

When it comes to walking the talk, Google leads the race.

One of the top products of the search giant is definitely Google My Business (GMB). From the very get-go, GMB has helped businesses from various industries. And hotels are no exception.

While many hotels are acing their Google My Business game, many are still struggling to get traction, and some don’t even have a GMB profile.

Whatever may be the case, this article is going to be a gold mine for you. When we published it last year, we received a lot of responses.

It was clearly visible that Google My Business was a significant part of hotel businesses worldwide.

If you have missed this, here it is again. Give it a read to better promote your property and increase your presence in local search.

8. The Ultimate Guide to Hotel WhatsApp Marketing

WhatsApp, undoubtedly, is the king of text messaging. However, the platform has evolved through the years. It is not just about the ‘hey’ and ‘what’s up’ anymore.

According to a report, there are 2000 million monthly active users on WhatsApp. And this makes it a powerful marketing tool.

Now, you must be wondering, how WhatsApp and marketing go hand-in-hand? Well, this is exactly what we have explained in our blog.

Read the article to learn how this simple messaging app is taking the marketing domain by storm.

9. How Data Analytics in The Hospitality Industry Can Be Helpful?

In this digital economy, data is more valuable than ever. There’s no doubt that ‘Data is the new oil.’

Businesses that are aware of the ways to extract and use data the right way are likely to see huge rewards.

But should hotels bother about it? Is it something they need to break a leg for?

The answer is an absolute YES.

The hospitality industry is supremely data-rich and competitive. For hotels to stay on the curve, it has become important to understand travelers, their preferences, their food and travel habits, etc.

Basically, hotels need to gain meaningful insights that can redefine the way hotels conduct business. 

And this is only possible when the data is being managed and analysed the right way.

Our blog on ‘Data Analytics for Hotels’ is a great resource for accommodation providers who are trying to make it big in the industry.

10. Super Awesome Sustainable Hotel Practices for Being Eco-friendly

Green initiatives are becoming a necessity today. Businesses from various industries are stepping in to inculcate sustainable practices. And the hotel industry is no exception.

Hotels from all around the world are turning to a plethora of green initiatives. However, there’s still a void; not every hotel is aware of how to pull this off. While some hotels get overwhelmed by all the options, some fail to create a strategy.

If your hotel has been planning to go green, lately, then we are here to help.

We have a blog in place that explains some of the fantastic practices that will make your hotel eco-friendly.


eZee is all things hospitality. From the very beginning to date, we have been constantly delivering value to our readers.

In the year 2021, we published some super amazing hospitality blogs. And in any case, we didn’t want you to miss out on them. So, I hope this list of top 10 hospitality blogs helps you make hoteliering better and easier.

Complete guide to hotel revenue management